Milford Memorial Tower with clouds

The Milford Hall of Fame

memorializing contributions made by the citizens of Milford, Connecticut

James Martin Maher
James Martin Maher

Crime was not much of a problem for most of Milford's first two centuries. There was the local militia for serious concerns, even if they didn't involve Indians. Most families were church goers, even the Catholics who dutifully walked all the way to New Haven for services. Kids were well behaved or got a whoop'n, then were well behaved. Bad people, like drinkers would be ostracized. Ne'r do wells would usually move on as there was no food if you didn't work. 

Society got more complicated after the Civil War. Illegal Prize fighting was taking place up and down the Connecticut Coast serviced by Streamer and Rail. On April 13, 1870 a prize fight between James Kerrigan and Edward Tuohey was set for Charles Island. The Local Milford worthies and constable got word of the impending event. Three companies of New Haven militia were sent to Milford to restore order. Fighter Tuohey, ironically didn't show up, at all. He nearly went down with his steam tug which foundered off Bridgeport. Milford had no means of dealing with the 90 rowdies who rioted through downtown. It took five militia companies, plus police from New Haven to curb the days of street fighting and vandalism.

Things calmed down but it was clear that a couple of constables and self help (not to mention no jail to hold the culprits) would not be enough for a modern community. Leaders went to the Connecticut General Assembly for help. Eventually, in April 1915 It passed legislation authorizing Milford to create a Board of Police Commissioners. The legislation also authorized the police commissioners to appoint a superintendent of police and the number of police officers the city deemed necessary.

The newly appointed Milford Board of Police Commissioners appointed James Martin Maher as the first police "Superintendent" with six paid officers on November 1, 1915. The then tidy sum of $5,700 with an extra $580 for equipment was appropriated for the 1915-16 fiscal year. The expanded city hall had a place for confinement in the basement, Milford's first Jail (though folks had been confined in the old meetinghouse from time to time).

One of five children of Thomas (1832- ) and Elizabeth Nolan Mahr (1834- ) both from Carlow, Ireland, Mahr (1865-1931) started out as a laborer like his dad. Eventually James obtained a horse and carriage advancing to the status of Liveryman and Chauffeur. He was successful enough to establish a chicken farm of four acres on Buckingham Avenue. He married Annie Healey (1868-1928) and had four children Thomas E. (1886-1949), James Jr. (1888-1932), Anna (1891- ) and Elizabeth (1898- ). 

Unlike the mostly Irish toughs who had turned the city upside down nearly half a century before, James Mahr was a no-nonsense Irish father and cop. Son James Jr. joined him in the department in 1925. When Annie died in 1928, Mahr moved in with James Jr. and his wife and seven kids. He was hard on his grandsons who were required to work the chicken farm, and if disobedient, locked in "jail" in the town hall basement. One Grandson, Edward Mahr, a future Milford High football star, likely resenting his stern treatment, ran away from home at twelve years old getting as far as Baltimore.

Chief Maher served from 1915-1931. He died December 1, 1931 of colon cancer. His son and namesake died the following month on January 16, 1932. He has been succeeded by eight chiefs to date.

Alan Jepson

It's just politics. We’re still friends

Milford Mayor Alan Jepson

The Milford Hall of Fame thanks:

Milford Bank